Ever felt like a head (brain)
Well I guess my brain matters, at least football players brains matter, for future use, although they don't seem to matter much during games. Some brilliant character has figured out; that it is not good to beat the shit out of the human head. Cause it will make life difficult as you grow older.............this is true.
I guess we may even rediscover that if you bend something enough times it could break. Like when we were kids we used to bend the forks or spoons back and forth till they break. There are a lot of things that break and wear out with use..........now let us push a little..........like put in a hot cam, lifters and high-performance heads, and intake.
My wonderful nephew Tim, who is a
Why does stuff have to get bigger and go faster then get smaller and go even faster, then get big again, then race, the big fast ones, against, the fast little ones, and jump, them, and, crash them. Most yuppies know the narrative , we have been turned into monsters, and like cancer, we are devouring the earth and everything in it because we need more boxes of blue rubber gloves*. Get my neighbor before he gets me, "y'all I'm just standing my ground" law. Your dog came around the corner and
So why not keep pushing and consuming and get more rights, and then lose them, eating this food, or not. There is no sense in parking our cars, or getting rid of the blue rubber gloves. We could drink water from cups and glasses, and quit filling the earth with plastic. What is a sink hole anyway.
Capitalism has only one way it can go, just like that little bump on your boob, might turn to cancer; capitalism has begun to metastasize, and there are tumors everywhere. Just like the foot ball heads, brains, and dope fiends, broken spoons, and iPhone. The system has served its purpose. There is only one reason we do not see this
Humanity has been taught to live for, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life. We may have become a bunch of worldly hos, loving the very things we are supposed to hate. Like my life, mother and father, success, the top. In God's kingdom weirdos are first.
How many cages could we rattle if we did not feel our own comfort was the beginning and end of everything. Rattling cages can be done in love, like hey you got cancer, here comes the boom, but at least you will get better. Consumers, those headed for the top, the best and, the most, the longest and, and the tightest, slickest, shot-caller, and cool can't get through the fucking eye of the needle.
There should be no guilt, or fear, going through the eye of the needle, cause ya cant go till your invited. Once invited passage is no longer just a dream, and you get just enough of a glimpse through the eye to see that all the shit you can't drag through the opening won't be needed anyway.
Jesus became poor so that we can become poor as we pour ourselves out for others, I think.*
disclaimer, this could be wrong and cause you to go to the deepest darkest place you have ever been. gitmo, pelican bay, the shu, force-feeding. This evil fucking system, could even give you 35 years in Leavenworth and you are not even a guy. #embracepoor because you can, #ows #sep17 #nowar
yer friend bill............................................spread the love. Embrace the poor and it all goes away