Saturday, August 31, 2013


Ever felt like a head (brain)

Well I guess my brain matters, at least football players brains matter, for future use, although they don't seem to matter much during games. Some brilliant character has figured out; that it is not good to beat the shit out of the human head. Cause it will make life difficult as you grow older.............this is true.

I guess we may even rediscover that if you bend something enough times it could break. Like when we were kids we used to bend the forks or spoons back and forth till they break. There are a lot of things that break and wear out with let us push a put in a hot cam, lifters and high-performance heads, and intake.

My wonderful nephew Tim, who is a bitchen high school teacher in southern California, just got off the Apple kick and got himself a windows phone. When his students found out he had sold out, like a punk rocker who signs with big record company, they asked him what happened to his iPhone, (that used to be the shit) he replied "my grandfather has an iPhone". It is not unusual for brand names, products, and ideas to come and go. Push anything as far as you can and it may break.

Why does stuff have to get bigger and go faster then get smaller and go even faster, then get big again, then race, the big fast ones, against, the fast little ones, and jump,  them, and,  crash them. Most yuppies know the narrative , we have been turned into monsters, and like cancer, we are devouring the earth and everything in it because we need more boxes of blue rubber gloves*. Get my neighbor before he gets me, "y'all I'm just standing my ground" law. Your dog came around the corner and shit on my lawn boy. *see "blue rubber gloves, if only city officials were people of faith". (previous little story) #bluerubbergloves

So why not keep pushing and consuming and get more rights, and then lose them, eating this food, or not. There is no sense in parking our cars, or getting rid of the blue rubber gloves. We could drink water from cups and glasses, and quit filling the earth with plastic. What is a sink hole anyway.

Capitalism has only one way it can go, just like that little bump on your boob, might turn to cancer; capitalism has begun to metastasize, and there are tumors everywhere. Just like the foot ball heads, brains, and dope fiends, broken spoons, and iPhone. The system has served its purpose. There is only one reason we do not see this shit...................... the preachers on network  TV (ordained or not) have us convinced that it is all good. We are prospering, everyone is happy, upwardly 'mobile' yes we are.

Humanity has been taught to live for,  the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh,  and the boastful pride of life. We may have become a bunch of worldly hos, loving the very things we are supposed to hate. Like my life, mother and father, success, the top. In God's kingdom weirdos are first.

How many cages could we rattle if we did not feel our own comfort was the beginning and end of everything. Rattling cages can be done in love, like hey you got cancer, here comes the boom, but at least you will get better.  Consumers, those headed for the top, the best and, the most, the longest and, and the tightest, slickest, shot-caller, and cool can't get through the fucking eye of the needle.

There should be no guilt, or fear, going through the eye of the needle, cause ya cant go till your invited. Once invited passage is no longer just a dream, and you get just enough of a glimpse through the eye to see that all the shit you can't drag through the opening won't be needed anyway.

The Gospel offends, sinners go free, like the guy who passes everyone backed up at  the off ramp for the last hour, then he merges in, just before he can't, doesn't even need to flip you off, you are offended, right? Unless you are that guy, he is on his way to work, won't be late!

Jesus became poor so that we can become poor as we pour ourselves out for others, I think.*

disclaimer, this could be wrong and cause you to go to the deepest darkest place you have ever been. gitmo, pelican bay, the shu, force-feeding. This evil fucking system, could even give you 35 years in Leavenworth  and you are not even a guy. #embracepoor because you can, #ows  #sep17  #nowar

yer friend bill............................................spread the love.   Embrace the poor and it all goes away

No Peace Churches

There are no peace churches in the United States. Because when you have
got more than you need, and other people do not have enough to live
on, you only keep the excess by violence. You do not keep it by appeals
to faith or to love or to reason. And the churches are up to their ears in
wealth. . . . And it makes no difference what church it is. I once gave a talk
about twenty years ago at the Quaker Meeting House in Cambridge. . . .On
one side of the Quaker meeting house in Cambridge there is Harvard
University with property that is worth tens upon tens if not hundreds of
millions of dollars. There is this one little acre that the Quakers have. The
property is worth millions. So I raised the issue of the excessive wealth
that this property represented as well as the issue of what would you
do if someone came in here and just started tearing down this place. In
both instances they would resort to violence. That is no different from
the Catholic Church or anything else. Cardinals call the police on people.
But the point is none of that is consistent with loving as Christ loved.
Does that mean if you have property and you can’t love as Christ? No. It
probably means you cannot have luxury property because once people
have more than they need and other people do not have enough, you
have got to have the gun to keep them off your back. And that is where all
the churches are for the most part in Christianity in the Western world.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tim Keller, Blessed are the Poor (why?)

blue rubber gloves

 blue rubber gloves, if only the city officials had faith 

On 8/26/2013 the city of Fresno cleared out the homeless from an area near  99 and Ventura. City officials (I guess they were) took pictures and videos and some even had blue rubber gloves on. These gloves look the same as the gloves CSI uses when they cut up dead people, or I think I have seen Parole agents use the same rubber gloves when they gather piss tests.

The thing about the gloves that bothered me a bit is this: I personally have used those gloves (because of law) when dressing, and preparing the bodies of people who have "passed", died. The ones I used had this horrid powder stuff in them, and because of the Funeral  Home; I always had a dark suit on and the horrid white powder left on my hands from the gloves, always ended up on my dark suit.  I guess I don't like rubber gloves that much. In fact we used to put that same powder on nails when we were framing. I am not sure I even like the fucking powder.

However my friends have never showed up at my house to help me move, with blue rubber gloves on. I have worked around funeral homes most of my life, and worked for an ambulance co. We have had people with aids die, in our care, no gloves, no blue rubber gloves, no aids,  nothing....So why do we insist on wearing stupid gloves....................because we can, because someone made them disposable, and now they come in boxes, and now funeral homes, buy cases, of boxes of blue and white and pink  rubber gloves with powder in them. Auto mechanics buy cases without powder, or with. Soon everyone will have a tan line at the wrist. The cops have them, they put them on when they want to get personal, they may not be that worried about getting their hands dirty, the gloves however do add a touch of  "we care", about what, I am not sure.

Not only that but there was a young lady in Oregon washing the feet of the homeless, when the sponsors of the foot washing event requested that she put on the rubber gloves, no is all she said, I think?  So when the cats from Fresno deal with the poor they put the rubber gloves on. The gloves don't make them bad people. The  gloves could cause the homeless to feel less than. Well that should not bother them, The gloves are for safety and the street people will understand.

When we are living on the street, we don't understand. And here is something you may not understand, before rubber gloves in boxes came along we did not wear them,  the little blue gloves.
They are made from oil or rubber or plastic, the more people that wear them the more money Wall Street makes, if we could just get everyone to wear them all the time!

We have been to India and touched the untouchables, because God loves us, no blue or pink or green rubber gloves. The chances of you catching something because you touched a piece of dog shit, or took out the garbage, or wiped a kids bloody nose, or shot heroin using the same dirty needle as your buddy with aids, are around the same as the chance you will win the lottery.  I think?

And the garbage had me a little concerned as well. So I asked a few of the shot callers about the garbage service to this area of Fresno. They responded, "we gave these people cans and they would not use them", as if poor people don't know what garbage cans and blue rubber gloves are all about! When I first got "my" garbage cans someone showed me where to put them, when to put them, how far apart to put them, and I bet when the garbage people took the cans to the homeless they were wearing blue rubber gloves, while they were explaining to the folks what days to put the cans out, and what time to put them back in the tent.

If only city officials were people of faith. Then they would help the poor, help them build clean camps, with restrooms, provide safe places, Blessed are the poor, Woe unto you who are rich, that is just how it is.

Nothing says "I Care" like, blue rubber a point.

The good news is right here before your very eyes

The Issue is us, can you say "I love my enemy"? would you like to be able to love your enemy?  The gospel means us, we are off the hook, #embracepoor and it all goes away.