Saturday, September 28, 2013

once while pissed off

Ever get angry

Me? yes and the more I learn about anger the more I have learned to keep it short and to the point.
I read in the book that it is ok to be angry, biblically speaking it says, don't carry anger to the point of fucking up behind it. Be angry
Sin     not
do not let the sun go down on your anger    (not as if the sun is going to do you)
basically don't fall asleep angry!
because these little tiny parts
of you and me jump down
from our head
into our stomach
and while we sleep they make us sick
anger and sleep
equal BAD HAIR day

So I am angry last week. There is only one option
Trust God
So off to palm springs I go
without my car
or my wife, or any $ an 0 cents sense
For the first hour or so, no one would pick this limply old fart with a walker up and take me anywhere, so I called my friend, Greg
He picked me up to take me to the freeway, I think I may have shared with Greg, how corrupt the chief of police is here in Fresno.
Or how aggressive and militant the pigs are around the poorest group of mutherfuckers man has ever known.
where food is manufactured by machines
and people are kicked to the curb
then kicked under the bus
and left to die
YES in fucking central cali!

Now Greg has just dropped me off at the entrance to 99 at the end of Herndon Avenue
sitting on my walker, trying to calm down before it gets dark.
with no shoes on
in the heat  and then I sense a car pulling in behind me
them   I notice it is the fucking sheriff's car
looking straight at the ground, cause I was going to be ready for this guy, maybe even jail, or at least an hour in the "holding cell".   I look up and
here comes the most gentle, pretty, kind, pig,
that is not a pig    but a
lady that  says, "I see you have no shoes, and wondered if I could give you a ride somewhere".
just sayin
Always in love; let us grab hands and head for the light while we still can.  make love not war. #embracepoor

Who Can I believe


Is there any confusion among you
in the end times men (and women?) will be
Lovers of themselves
horny (like what your kids watch on TV)
Promiscuous (really?)
father fuckers
brother fuckers
Sister fuckers
trusting everything
but God
Holding to powerless forms of godliness
worshiping idols
with your best interest in mind
We must change the paradigm or, God should be in the process I think.
The paradigm shift is a God sponsored event, that will take place the minute or the second
or the very millisecond one sees the Kingdom of God
have you seen this?  There is a book full of stories about this kingdom. Some people are satisfied with knowing all these stories (good stories)
in the correct order
in the original language
with all the rules applied
in the correct juxtaposition
and fucking social context
And never Taste, like studying an album cover or CD insert; you can know all about the band, the language, social context
but never hear the songs
the song is the event, listening to it
singing it
feeling the music
let it affect you
infect you
effect you
or fill you with sorrow
or joy
or hope
or memories
what the fuck good is music if you can't experience
it (music)
What the fuck good will it do to know there is someone in the sky to take care of me by and by and if I cannot
and see
and know
Him or Her or we may be able to say Them  (if you carefully explain trinity) or not
may you find this shift now
don't ask me how
just grab it when it is there.
Always your friend we are all in this together.
spread the love
eli  #embracepoor

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

being poor

Poor is better

Tim Keller's video is most excellent for a gracious approach to being Poor. I believe it was Philip Yancy, who wrote about being at the presidential prayer breakfast during the Clinton years. I am not sure I have this verbatim but.
During a time economic struggle and deep concern for the direction of this nation Yancy talks about being poor.
by quoting Jesus
Blessed are the poor, Mr. President, when we are poor it is better. it is not the economy, stupid.
it is poverty we are after.
not to be # one
most powerful
fewest abortions
bigger churches
American dream
strongest military
Woe unto you who are rich, said Jesus
the chances of hearing and responding to the call of God,
are proportional to the amount of stuff you own but do not need.

A lot of truth here, if we disconnect being poor to being saved, we may be lying to ourselves, as we remain in denial. What does it mean to be poor?

One Minute Sermon

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Make love to your Guns or (fuck guns) just sayin


Three in the morning at the Poverello, out of the car now walking around, a young agitated lady warns me that this is a dangerous place for me to be in my 08 Accord. Roll up the windows she said, and lock the doors. I assured her that the Lord was with us and there is nothing to fear.

She looked at me like, "you don't get it"? Driving on and asking a few more questions, I learned I would have to wait till around four to meet the guy I was looking for.
So I park at a gas station under the light, after making sure there were no signs that forbid parking under said light, the engine goes off and all is well.

Fucking police car pulls up to light at intersection...............and I am hoping the two cops in the car aren't more of Fresno's finest "shoot first" ask questions latter, group. They did not shoot me, but you could tell they were a bit bumfuckeled that a 61 year old cripple guy wants to sit under a light in a gas station in one of Fresno's
finest areas
reading a book.
at 3 am.
In their usual aggressive manner, that assumes everyone is lying, an officer that used to work for the people asks me for my license. This brave man warns me that I am in a dangerous area, roll up windows and lock doors
and be careful
and then the cops
drive off.

There I am without a fucking gun, just like the last forty years of my life, no fucking gun. So this little message is for all the fucking straw men, that are going to take my rights if I don't have a gun.

Mother Theresa hand no guns, the little short nun worked the worst parts of NY with no body guards.

Two hundred homeless farmworkers from Mexico and South America, lived in the, Church On San Juan Road, along with the regular homeless people and a few parolees, no fucking guns no fear.

It is time for us to plan for peace, plan to get rid of the riot gear, plan to settle differences without pigs. Sounds a little 60s I know...............but I was there! Just in case you don't understand it has only become more violent, more dead, more bombs, more guns, more laws, even more church.

If you own a gun, man the fuck up and get rid of it. And get rid of it in such a manner that no one else can use it. Before all the righteous mutherfuckers  pick up anything with a trigger and destroy each other, as they do away with evil.

Occupy you heart, rid yourself of evil, #embracepoor

Embrace the poor and it all goes away. Jesus loves us..................really!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

the place it should have worked

 The place it should have worked

The people of God are called to care for the poor, if there is a question about this; one only need check their who-ness. Where the truth speaks loudest concerning our fellow man is the part about loving your neighbor as yourself, and doing unto others what you would want them to do for you.

If we are honest, the people of the Lord God Almighty are responsible for the poor. We have this book that declares all who believe in Jesus are going to get to go to heaven someday, and in the meantime it is very important that we care for the weak and the least, because that is as close to heaven as you get on earth.

So here we sit in America and could give a fuck about the poor, the poor in America. It is always cheaper to take care of the poor peoples poor than to take care of our own. So this word is for the evangelical church in our country.

You have failed and the little you have is not enough. The poor are not under your roof, like Solomon you have greatly fucked up. Of all the poor and oppressed people of the world those under the care of God's man Solomon should have the finest of treatment in fact there should be no poor and oppressed in Solomon's kingdom according to the Queen of somewhere.

The united states government will soon stand before God, and Angels, and Jesus, and me and you and all of us before God and give an answer for the condition of the world. If our answer is anything short of we have fucked it up, ain't nobody getting in heaven, you see there is no cancer in heaven motherfucker, so check your capitalism at the fucking door. Heaven is not a place to strive, not a place for moving ahead, for being the best. The earth is supposed to be as it is in heaven.

So either drop the fucking weapons, and hey lift ya hands up lift ya hands up and lead the way to peace by surrendering all weapons nukes and all to the middle of the fucking ocean. Or kiss the milinials good bye. In fact now might be a good time to bend over stick your head between your legs and kiss your own ass good bye .Embrace the poor and it all goes away

#embracepoor  #eli


Now We Can Dream

If you are a dreamer, I heard it is ok to dream now. While dreaming just the other day, we imagined no cars, no factories, far less convenience, and more life.

The dream we are having is full of people, humans so full of love that no one was in need of anything. The place was light all the time, a universal radiance. The power of love was more intense, than the greatest display of military power, and made "shock and Awe" seem like an even greater mistake than already perceived. Just as we began to see, and then explain, what we still see....”Men will never love one another”… “Without competition we will not advance”… “The poor we will always have with us”, was all that could be heard from those who were still rubbing the sleep from dim eyes. A day comes when each one sees himself and then sees others as brothers and sisters. Suddenly a flash of revelation, and the realization that men are not money they are God's gift, and we must connect. We see now that it was never about marriage certificates,  thought necessary to master sexual pleasure, but is has always been about using people for pleasure and gain, without mutuality.  It is not about “I won’t piss in the lake in my front yard”, because I might have to drink …..Now it is about others who live around the lake, and even those who live in it.
What a mess this place is becoming in our dream. There are still a few power hungry pleasure seekers trying to hold on the old stuff. With eyes almost shut, they still think killing and destroying stuff is impressive, even fear-inducing…..a yawn is given the eyes open just enough to see that perfect love eliminates fear. The bombs, the terrorists, and all the dictators in the world, cannot cause love to flinch. It looks like love truly does win. God is love, we know this because we know that we know that we know……… resonates.  Anyway we dream our way back to the mess, another flash as we look at burnt down buildings, destroyed houses, and big ole holes in the streets, we have found something to do.
Love dominates as we try to put others needs ahead of our own, and consider all of creation before we put this mess back together. So off we go in joy unspeakable and hands joined all around the world, ET has phoned home and dad said now the reconciliation begins. All of a sudden in my room in Gilroy nothing has changed, I am awake, everything just where I left it. But hope, where did that come from? Something is different, the things are all the same, but just a little dreaming has truly began a change in me.


We now live in a police state, Even the gun lovers cheered as the military and police raided homes after the Boston bombing. How stupid are we, won't quit driving, won't quit bombing, won't stop drinking water from plastic bottles, won't stop stealing, can't stop fucking one another, And the best Face bookers can do is post other peoples shit. These little picture files that say Obama is stupid, or liberals are like devil cum, or my gun is louder than your ethics, are senseless, and meant to divide us. So all the orphans of the American dream can blame who they want. God is waiting for us to do the right thing. And what you might ask is the right thing to do? Of course loving each other would be a start. The first right thing to do might be to simply ask a question. Where the fuck are we going in such a hurry? Is the earth here for our consumption, is mars the next stop? My dear friends we are running out of water and food. You know we are depraved when people starve while we grow GMO corn for fuel and not food. What if we all become responsible? Does anyone have any Ideas. Maybe we could teach millennial's how to grow food, or fish, or something. Or maybe they could teach us how to convert video games into food. It isn't the left or the right, it is about us knowing all this iPhone shit is wrong but we like iPhone so much it does not really matter how many people get fucked so my 8 year old has a copy of angry birds he can play when done texting. If we won't take responsibility for our own consumption, hate, greed, perversion, addiction, porn, or violence, no one else will. So it is ok for kids to watch, murder, rape, greed, and all kinds of other stuff not fit for humans to watch, and as long as no one says fuck, it is all good. It is time to rid our hearts of such shit, and love God and our neighbor as our self. We are so addicted to ourselves, it will be a recovery process, If you name Jesus as Lord, the bottom is the top. sorry........bill

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Dead To Law

It was August 21, 2001 I think. Knowing I am not the rider I think I am or dream of being, I tried to approach street riding road racing, like where cars are and stuff, with the same legal attitude that I took while flying Dad's V35.

It may be that, even being careful, or not, by the book, or not, keeping the law or not, is not the problem..............anyway I am riding to San Jose to give someone a hand setting some cabinets on a TI near Valley Mall, I think. Not wearing the usual shorts and sneakers with a tee shirt and helmet, I did have gloves, a leather jacket, and armored pants, and sneakers on. Thinking about the "back way" to San Jose and all the turns, twistys, telling myself it is more important to get to where I was going than to break a speed record getting there. Knowing that speed records have never been my specialty, I do try not to ride over my head, but...... It must be the difference of being in the air or on the ground.

Well here comes my first turn, heading east on Watsonville Road, a left on to Uvas Road. I like left turns, but I was too fast, for the off camber turn with a stop sign separating the north bound from the south bound Uvas road traffic turning west on Watsonville Road. For some reason I don't ever remember there being a stop sign, so I roll back headed for the east bound lane on Watsonville Road.

I remember seeing what appeared to be a light green 1953 Chevy pick up towing irrigation pipe. in my lane coming straight at me. They said I was going 55mph, when I hit a late model GMC pick up going 35mph, head on.

Oh shit, this is what they told me would happen, was what I thought, and I knew my life was about to end. The guy behind me that stopped was an off-duty police officer, I found out latter of course. I remember someone coming near me and I asked if they would take my helmet off,  "I can't do that" he said. Then I asked him to put me back on the bike so I could get the hell out of there, "you are not going anywhere dude", is the last thing I remember...........for a while..........then helicopter........finally I remember telling the people at the entrance of the trauma center to please call Sue at the Habing Family Funeral Home, they said I wasn't quite ready for them, then I let them know it was my family.

Gloria, was out of town, on her way home from Clarksville I believe. She saw me for the last time, as she was leaving on her trip. The new version of bill looks like the Michelin tire guy all puffed up as in huge. it would take over nine years of wheel chairs and pain, before God began the process of walking again.
So why did I tell you all that? to tell you this  Dead people are not under the law!
Come to find out after being in a coma for weeks. This accident was my fault! The police report said that I was riding in such a manner that I drew the pick up into my lane, resulting in the head on collision. Not on drugs or drinking, 9:00am (not that it matters) I have never been given a ticket, never been asked to pay for the pick up I hit, never been charged for the man's pain and suffering that I caused.

No one in law enforcement that helped me get to the hospital, or wrote the report, or was responsible for the issuing of citations, no one thought I was going to live, and Dead people are not under the law. so no ticket.
Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection,  knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin;  for he who has died is freed from sin.

The eternal life is not heaven after you die
What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life—  and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us— what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. These things we write, so that our joy may be made complete.

Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.
He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed,
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.”
And He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him.  And He began to say to them, Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

Friday, September 6, 2013

The whole nine yards, in a nutshell?

In a nutshell the good news is this. The Divine gets reduced to the finite, so the finite, can be reduced to the divine. In other words, when we look at the exodus, we can see Moses (speaks for God) not without Aaron. After convincing the divine that he did not have the talent, God agrees and mitigates with Aaron, staff, signs and wonders. The finite is reduced to divinity.

Church guys and Gals have been known to call this process, disciple making, spiritual formation, shepherding, Sunday school, cell groups, kinship groups, the list goes on. Church is generally the place we assume we can find out about God, or do something for God, because we already know all about God. Can we look at that?

This whole process of  reducing man to God, is the hardest. Of course we are told from many of the pulpits and mainstream media; that it is all about better, church life is better for business, church is better for family, better for self esteem etc. The truth is, however,  the good news is about death. There is no reason to fool ourselves at this point, the good news is that we are forgiven, the bad news is, they still don't let darkness in the new Jerusalem.

Everything around us changes at this moment of clarity. Some people believe it is at this time that a holy spirit, begins to replace or, de-emphasize, the not so holy flesh. For some this is a time that God begins to "speak" to them. Others have an experience in the mystical sense. Still others find teachers, or become teachers at this time.

The book of 1 john in the bible says this, if you can believe it, "As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him.
 Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you.  We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love abides in death. Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.  We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.  But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?  Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.  We will know by this that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart before Him  in whatever our heart condemns us; for God is greater than our heart and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God;