Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It may not be true

There is a space we know for sure that has been open to anyone with a need for the last 20 years or more. People from every sector from the society were welcome. Critics  and the police even stopped by invited or not. Folks would go there just to have a conversation or an argument, or a bite to eat, even a change of clothes. Dope fiends could get clean points

Monday, November 4, 2013

rolling them up

Where will we all go?

It is my understanding that, the extremely religious town of Fresno California, has some potent Christian leadership in the mayors office and the police chief with his tight associates. Something about being blind, not able to see, or just completely missing, the log in my own eye.

The greater good in any situation may be known in a two dimensional world, by mortal beings, as long as flat stays flat. When we try to process the greater good in universal terms and with eternity in mind it will not be that simple. The natural mind or person cannot understand the things of the spirit. only the Spirit understands the things of the Spirit.

If you find yourself reading the bible book of  Ecclesiastics and notice how true and mundane everything seems at the same time. Seasons change, deals are made, and it looks pretty much non stimulating.

But somewhere in the story the words, under the sun, appear more than once, I think.  Could it be that when you see a picture larger than what is apparent, one may also see the many outcomes of the many paths that could be taken to solve the immediate problem, while creating an even greater, long term problem.

Tweekers are known for their extreme paranoia, flagrant dishonesty, and lack of non-tweeker friends. A tweeker will steal your stuff and then help you look for it.
If you let those damned tweekers come to your party, don't expect to have your stereo in the morning.
The term tweeker was coined for the sleep deprivation crystal meth addicts usually undergo. Some users would stay up for two weeks at a time so came the phrase 'two weekers' which eventually became tweeker.
Its been days since that guys gotten any sleep or had something to eat.. he's gotta be a tweeker.
Any poor soul who has the bad ass luck of growing up in a small depressed desert town in CA or elsewhere who is emotionally addicted to CRYSTAL METH. They will kill and die for it, and can never be cured. They will want it every day for the rest of their lives. They start by doing lines, then smoke it, and eventually they graduate to "slamming" using needles. At this time, they never want to see anyone, unless they are tweeking. They are afraid of everything, except death. All of their friends are parolees, and they aint shit until they have been to prison at least once. They steal everything in sight, draw sexually explicit pictures, talk shit, disapear for days or even weeks, will physically assault the people they love, slash their own wrists and arms. They will lose up to 100 pounds in a few years. They will have spent all of their money and lost any job they might have once had. They are unemployable. They hate themselves. They will spent 5 to 40 hours straight beating off and sticking things up their asses. Some will steal panties from the apartment dryers and wear them. They will eventually accomplish self fellatio! Anything is possible with speed!!!
"Tell your tweeker friend to get the fuck out of my bathroom!"

A tweeker is a person addicted to some type of speed whose favorite hobbies include taking things apart beyond recognition, sitting by the backdoor with a large knife, 'dieting', watching American Idol, and staying up for up to 2 weeks strait. They can some times be dangerous, but are usually a lot of fun.
Yea, that fucking tweeker was about to stab me when I walked through the door, but then she realized who I was! After I watched American Idol with her she gave me her TV to go across town and get her some more crystal. Yea, she's been looking really skinny...

Tweekers are captives, Jesus came to set the captives free, why aren't they free?

The greater good is known only to the greater one.


Friday, November 1, 2013

where does your help come from?

Where does my help come from? In a recent adventure the realization that my help is other than, may be why I am sitting here. Thinking about help. Realizing how powerless I am. Who will save us?
If I could I would

If we can we will; it will take outside influence  Something Other Than
A powerful force, that fills this earth with love.

Pretty much, it is believed that there is a connection
between the power of the universe
A creative force
Or a person
and love
Love suffers long and is kind

Love does not envy

Love does not parade itself    is not puffed up    does not behave rudely           (oops)
does not seek its own     is not provoked         thinks no evil   does not rejoice in iniquity
Love, rejoices in the truth
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails
Yea brushing up on love could be the "next right thing"
For us to do.
our help is love
God is love
my help comes from
God                          (as I understand the package)
If it is a package
Here is what I  think I understand
We suck
God  as understood is for us
for us
you and me
love is for us
now what?
We can only dream    and proclaim     what we
And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven above
And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.
That is as good as it gets Love always hears the cry
of the broken
the bruised
the poor of spirit
the poor and oppressed
This same love cries out to the
the haters
the stars
the rich
the top
to walk away and follow me, I am the way the truth and the life

just fucking sayun always in love your friend eli