Saturday, September 21, 2013


Now We Can Dream

If you are a dreamer, I heard it is ok to dream now. While dreaming just the other day, we imagined no cars, no factories, far less convenience, and more life.

The dream we are having is full of people, humans so full of love that no one was in need of anything. The place was light all the time, a universal radiance. The power of love was more intense, than the greatest display of military power, and made "shock and Awe" seem like an even greater mistake than already perceived. Just as we began to see, and then explain, what we still see....”Men will never love one another”… “Without competition we will not advance”… “The poor we will always have with us”, was all that could be heard from those who were still rubbing the sleep from dim eyes. A day comes when each one sees himself and then sees others as brothers and sisters. Suddenly a flash of revelation, and the realization that men are not money they are God's gift, and we must connect. We see now that it was never about marriage certificates,  thought necessary to master sexual pleasure, but is has always been about using people for pleasure and gain, without mutuality.  It is not about “I won’t piss in the lake in my front yard”, because I might have to drink …..Now it is about others who live around the lake, and even those who live in it.
What a mess this place is becoming in our dream. There are still a few power hungry pleasure seekers trying to hold on the old stuff. With eyes almost shut, they still think killing and destroying stuff is impressive, even fear-inducing…..a yawn is given the eyes open just enough to see that perfect love eliminates fear. The bombs, the terrorists, and all the dictators in the world, cannot cause love to flinch. It looks like love truly does win. God is love, we know this because we know that we know that we know……… resonates.  Anyway we dream our way back to the mess, another flash as we look at burnt down buildings, destroyed houses, and big ole holes in the streets, we have found something to do.
Love dominates as we try to put others needs ahead of our own, and consider all of creation before we put this mess back together. So off we go in joy unspeakable and hands joined all around the world, ET has phoned home and dad said now the reconciliation begins. All of a sudden in my room in Gilroy nothing has changed, I am awake, everything just where I left it. But hope, where did that come from? Something is different, the things are all the same, but just a little dreaming has truly began a change in me.

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