Saturday, September 21, 2013

the place it should have worked

 The place it should have worked

The people of God are called to care for the poor, if there is a question about this; one only need check their who-ness. Where the truth speaks loudest concerning our fellow man is the part about loving your neighbor as yourself, and doing unto others what you would want them to do for you.

If we are honest, the people of the Lord God Almighty are responsible for the poor. We have this book that declares all who believe in Jesus are going to get to go to heaven someday, and in the meantime it is very important that we care for the weak and the least, because that is as close to heaven as you get on earth.

So here we sit in America and could give a fuck about the poor, the poor in America. It is always cheaper to take care of the poor peoples poor than to take care of our own. So this word is for the evangelical church in our country.

You have failed and the little you have is not enough. The poor are not under your roof, like Solomon you have greatly fucked up. Of all the poor and oppressed people of the world those under the care of God's man Solomon should have the finest of treatment in fact there should be no poor and oppressed in Solomon's kingdom according to the Queen of somewhere.

The united states government will soon stand before God, and Angels, and Jesus, and me and you and all of us before God and give an answer for the condition of the world. If our answer is anything short of we have fucked it up, ain't nobody getting in heaven, you see there is no cancer in heaven motherfucker, so check your capitalism at the fucking door. Heaven is not a place to strive, not a place for moving ahead, for being the best. The earth is supposed to be as it is in heaven.

So either drop the fucking weapons, and hey lift ya hands up lift ya hands up and lead the way to peace by surrendering all weapons nukes and all to the middle of the fucking ocean. Or kiss the milinials good bye. In fact now might be a good time to bend over stick your head between your legs and kiss your own ass good bye .Embrace the poor and it all goes away

#embracepoor  #eli

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